Is it possible to request "extra" information from a client reporting a specific kind of problem.For example:Report a Problem > Unlock IssueRequest a Serial Number via an email.

Just create a form (Admin Panel > Manage > Forms) and attach the form to the help topic "report a problem > unlock issue" (Admin Panel > Manage > Help Topics > "report a problem > unlock issue" > "Custom Form") ;)

Re-reading this, I see a second possibility here.You can also attach a form afterwards to a ticket e.g. when the ticket was created via email.Just open the ticket, and then under "More > Manage Forms" attach the "Report a problem > unlock issue" form. Next, write a response to the end user to update the info via the web portal. Following, as an example, our internal (canned) response when we added a form to a ticket:Hi %{},we attached a form to your ticket. Please fill out the form, so that we have all necessary information to process your request. Here's a little how-to on updating the form we attached to your ticket: View your ticket #%{ticket.number} on the web portal: CLICK HEREIn the upper right corner use the edit button  to update the form attached to the ticketFill out the required fields (the ones with a little red star )Submit the information via the update button   For future similar requests, please select the appropriate help topic on the web portal and fill the form right there.

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