Hiya,All looking good - osticket looks clean and very usable.One question - we'd like to have a copy of our osticket install for training and testing.  Is this the way to copy an osticket instance?1. Dump DB and load the dump into the copy's database.2. Copy all site files from the original site to the copy's docroot.3. Modify the include/ost-config.php file to point at the copy's database.If this is all then that's great.One more thing - it would be nice to make the copy look very different from the live version - we usually do this by making the banner have a hideous red background or similar.  This can be done by modifying some CSS. Are there any suggestions as to how this could be achieved easily with Osticket.Thanks for any help.And again thanks for a great looking application.

    With the just released version of 1.9.6 this should now be easily possible via the system settings.Have not yet tested 1.9.6, but according to the changelog this improvement should fit your needs - just give it a try ;)Btw. your way to copy the instance is correct - we do this here too the same way.

    1.9.6 isn't technically out yet.When it is it will be available at: http://www.osticket.com/downloadI expect the official announcement and release to be in the next day or so.

    @[deleted]:You're correct, it's only packaged at github and the release notes are there, but there's no announcement nor it's available at the official download page. Looks like I've been a bit ahead of time

    Yeah I posted about the forth coming release on tmib.net a little over 2 hours ago. :)

    Thanks, Chefkeks.Could you tell me which setting it is which makes the difference please?Thanks,Kevin

    Once 1.9.6 is officially released, take a look at admin panel > settings > company.

    There you can change the banner/logo for the agent and end user side. I suggest to be a bit patient and then check it out soon with 1.9.6.

    7 years later
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