Good morning,I'm trying to wrap my head around the count of tickets in reports.I have an example here... SS 1 is showing our report - shows Scott has 2 open tickets (and 2 overdue tickets, or possibly those two open tickets overdue)SS 2 shows the search of Scott's tickets, for which he has 3 open tickets. SS1: blankSS2: blankMy question is: how are the count of tickets in reports generated?  Is the time frame by the date the ticket was created?  Or by the date as of right now?  I've done 2010 to today and it's still showing that Scott has only 2 open tickets instead of the 3 that are open when doing a search - where would the discrepancy lie?(just a note, I've changed the name of Open to "created", so as not to confuse anyone taking a look at this.)Thank you for any info!

Unfortunately I cannot answer your question regarding how the data is generated by the dashboard, but it has been stated several times (across the forum) that the dashboard needs a revamp and is not really up to date anymore.

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