On some very long email / ticket chains the ticket thread gets super long and scrolling is a pain. Would be very nice to have following:+ and - buttons on the left of each reply/note/section header to be able to expand or collapse the whole section to just its header.A "expand all" and "collapse all" button at the top of each ticket.Thank you

Some where over at github, the developers already mentioned that collapse and expand will come with some future version of osTicket ;)

So we just need to be patient

Super :-) I hope it comes by v2.0Should be relatively easy to do a mod with CSS

7 years later

Hey there, I think this isn't in place yet.. but I am fan of this suggestion! Has anyone made a temp custom mod for this?

a year later

I was wondering if there was any chance collapsible responses was appearing anytime soon? It can be fatiguing navigating longer threads. It would be great if by default all responses were collapsed except the latest one.

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