Dear Community,I have a problem when creating multiple customers with the same email address.We have a client in which several people are using the same e-mail address (department).Unfortunately, I can not create these employees, because the osTicketsystem then reports that this email address is already associated with another customer.Is it possible to allow the system to create multiple customers with the same email address?Or is there some other way for us?

As far as I know it's currently not possible.Also it does not make sense to me, since one person would then create the ticket, but the whole department receives the replies, so I don't understand how that would be handled. But as far as I know Peter (osTicket developer) said in another discussion that they plan to remove that restriction in the future (no ETA).

The customer's employees have no personal email addresses, unfortunately...

7 years later

I know this is an old post, but I just started to use osTicket and ran into this problem today. I hear the osTicket developers plan to remove this restriction, but when!! This was mentioned in Jan 2015. It is now 2022.

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