I came across an older thread online for adding a form field that dynamically populates its dropdown menu from a different database.  The problem is that the example code is from an older version of OsTicket and the code doesn't match what's currently in use.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  What I'd like to do is have a dropdown list populate it's data from another database such as customer accounts within a CRM.  Thanks.

2 months later

Have you solved the problem?please i have the same issue and i didn't find any thing to help me to start at leastthank you

@[deleted] I have not solved this 100% but as a workaround what I did was create a script to query my database, create JavaScript that updates by ticket fields when I select different values from a dropdown menu.  OsTicket dynamically creates form input IDs so I had to remove that feature since the JavaScript would need the element ID to insert the new data.  Like I said, this was a quick fix due to time constraints and there are some future modification I'll make to it to speed things up since the query creates a dropdown list w/4,000 choices.  If/when I have a solid solution I'll make sure to post it here for the community.

5 years later

Please do not be a necromancer.
This thread is 5 years old.
Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

ps for the sake of clarity the plugins listed here by cartmega are 3rd party paid plugins and we do not provide support for them the author (poster) would.

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