Hi,I skipped through the forum and googled a bit, I ve found out certain discussion onhttp://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//closed-ticket-alerts-support-and-alert-dept-members-mod.Is this still viable walkthrough even for 1.9.4 and onwards?Or am I missing already hidden/implanted functionality (when the ticket is closed, manager gets mail notification the same way like the ticket creator normally does)?Thanks for any feedbackOndra

Q: Is this still viable walkthrough even for 1.9.4 and onwards?A: That thread is from 2013 and was written for v1.7.So I highly doubt it still works.Q: Or am I missing already hidden/implanted functionality (when the ticket

is closed, manager gets mail notification the same way like the ticket

creator normally does)?A: There is no close ticket announcement email.  Never has been.  We use canned responses when we close a ticket.  Since its a ticket update by staff if emails who it's supposed to email (based on how osT is configured).

18 days later

I do thank you for this comment, i ll try to figure way around

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