
I have downloaded and installed latest osticket version on my web server as instructed in the online installation guide (http://www.osticket.com/wiki/Installation(http://www.osticket.com/wiki/Installation)).

After installing it I ran the setup in my browser (Internet Explorer 8.0), there, osticket showed me an error message that "Minimum requirements are not met" viz. "MySQL 4.4 or later is missing".

But I am using MySQL 5 on my web server still osticket is not detecting it.

Plz. suggest how to rectify this error...



As I see that you are using 1.7 RC2 I've moved your thread to the appropriate forum (from version 1.6 -> Troubleshooting to version 1.7 -> Installation and Setup Help). You also may want to pick up RC3 since it contains many bug fixes and several new features.

That page is checking the loaded PHP modules and not finding the required module that lets PHP talk to MySQL. Since you haven't told us what OS your running I'm not entirely sure how to tell you how to fix your problem. So I'll cover both.


The easiest way would be to install the php5-mysql package, while you are at it if you are planning on running IMAP or POP you should also install the php5-imap package. This is the command that I would use on my Debian server.

apt-get install php5-mysql php5-imap


Simply locate your php.ini and enable the two extensions. (Note: you may need to go to the PHP webpage and download the extensions, it's been a long time since I have setup PHP on a new server and cannot remember for sure). You should find and uncomment (or add) the following in your php.ini:





1. I followed the method you elaborated in your reply for Windows installation, but still it's showing the same "missing error" on screen as I attached in my question.

2. I wanna add to my question that is it necessary to have Apache server to run osticket ? I am using IIS on Windows server 2003.


1. I followed the method you elaborated in your reply for Windows installation, but still it's showing the same "missing error" on screen as I attached in my question.

2. I wanna add to my question that is it necessary to have Apache server to run osticket ? I am using IIS on Windows server 2003.

I am having your exact same issue and I have already uncommented out those same 2 entries in the PHP.ini file. I am using Windows 2008 but that is the only difference.

The screen also shows that gdlib and php imap extensions are not enabled, but both of those were uncommented out as well. Server reboot was already done as well.


How to debug missing modules

To find out for sure if the modules are getting loaded - do the following.

1. Create a file info.php in the root osTicket directory, with the following content.


echo phpinfo();


2. Visit yourdomain.com/dir/info.php

* Check for the missing modules

* Make sure the correct php.ini is being edited/loaded.

Please note that the web server (web service) need to be restarted for any php.ini changes to take effect.

To find out for sure if the modules are getting loaded - do the following.

1. Create a file info.php in the root osTicket directory, with the following content.


echo phpinfo();


2. Visit yourdomain.com/dir/info.php

* Check for the missing modules

* Make sure the correct php.ini is being edited/loaded.

Please note that the web server (web service) need to be restarted for any php.ini changes to take effect.

I did this test and it worked just fine. It loaded a very long PHP version webpage with a great deal of info and, yes, the .ini file that I've been editing this entire time is the one that was referenced. That said, I don't know after looking over the page a couple of times how to tell if the missing modules are included or not.

Of course the PHP modules are optional - the big thing stopping this for me is I am being told there is no MySQL installed despite the fact that 5.5 is loaded on this box.

@[deleted] - Installing MySQL on the server doesn't mean PHP knows about it. If MySQL module is not showing up on the phpinfo output then it's not loaded.

@goddyd17 - Installing MySQL on the server doesn't mean PHP knows about it. If MySQL module is not showing up on the phpinfo output then it's not loaded.

Well can you provide the specific steps needed to tell PHP about MySql if that is what it takes for your installer to know about MySql (to allow me to proceed with the OSTicket install)?

We don't have a step by step instructions on setting up your server - @[deleted] reply covers the basics - I'll just add that make sure the extensions/modules actually exists in extension_dir.

extension_dir="c:\php\ext" ; or whatever yours is





As a secondary note: You asked if Apache was required. It is not. I actually run two OSTicket implementations under Windows Server 2007 running IIS.

I trust that you configured IIS? You do have to tell IIS to use PHP. If you google for something similar to "configure IIS with PHP" you should find many articles on how (and you can customize the search string with your server and IIS version)

We don't have a step by step instructions on setting up your server - @[deleted] reply covers the basics - I'll just add that make sure the extensions/modules actually exists in extension_dir.


Every one of those are in the .ini file and uncommented. And yes - PHP was setup previously for IIS. Still though - your installer says PHP is installed fine but it doesn't recognize MySQL such that I can proceed with the install.


Get help from your system admin. or your host on how to configure PHP & MySQL correctly in your server environment.

Get help from your system admin. or your host on how to configure PHP & MySQL correctly in your server environment.

I am the system admin - MySQL is installed. I can run commands against it just fine and create test databases, etc. PHP is installed and the TEST.PHP file you had me create opened just fine. PHP.ini is configured for MySQL and IIS is configured for PHP.

All that said, your installer doesn't recognize MySQL but does recognize PHP. Can you actually offer any real help on that issue? If not, I have no way to actually install this application to test it in my environment.

The installer doesn't recognize MYSQL module/extension because it's not loaded. PHP info (see my previous reply) should have conclusively confirmed it for you. Nothing we can do on osTicket end, if PHP doesn't have MySQL support.

What you need to do is try to figure out why MySQL extension is not loading - see prior replies.

That said, I don't know after looking over the page a couple of times how to tell if the missing modules are included or not.

You should see a mysql or mysqli section on the resulting page.

I highly recommend iis.net's write up on how to configure php for MySQL.

They also mention enabling the dll's. But instead of php_mysql.dll they specifically say php_mysqli.dll and several others (see below).




You can find the how to at:

SOURCE: http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/install-and-configure-php-on-iis/install-and-configure-mysql-for-php-applications-on-iis-7-and-above(http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/install-and-configure-php-on-iis/install-and-configure-mysql-for-php-applications-on-iis-7-and-above)

It's also important to note that you must restart IIS after you make PHP configuration changes.

You should see a mysql or mysqli section on the resulting page.

I highly recommend iis.net's write up on how to configure php for MySQL.

They also mention enabling the dll's. But instead of php_mysql.dll they specifically say php_mysqli.dll and several others (see below).




You can find the how to at:

SOURCE: http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/install-and-configure-php-on-iis/install-and-configure-mysql-for-php-applications-on-iis-7-and-above(http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/install-and-configure-php-on-iis/install-and-configure-mysql-for-php-applications-on-iis-7-and-above)

It's also important to note that you must restart IIS after you make PHP configuration changes.

I see a mysqlnd entry, but not the mysql or mysqli in the test.php results. I will go through the IIS.net link you gave me with a fine tooth comb and see if something is missing. Not sure at this point.

I see a mysqlnd entry, but not the mysql or mysqli in the test.php results. I will go through the IIS.net link you gave me with a fine tooth comb and see if something is missing. Not sure at this point.

I figured out the issue - the extensions had to be in the root of the PHP folder. I thought them being in the ext folder was sufficient.

Proceeded with the install and the following came up - is this an issue?

Strict Standards: Non-static method Validator:() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\osTicket\setup\inc\class.installer.php on line 63

Strict Standards: Non-static method Passwd:() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\osTicket\setup\inc\class.installer.php on line 125

Strict Standards: Non-static method Misc:() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\osTicket\setup\inc\class.installer.php on line 155

Strict Standards: Non-static method Misc:() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\osTicket\setup\inc\class.installer.php on line 175

Below that it says congratulations that the install completed but to change permissions of the ost-config.php file (which I will do) but I didn't know about the other stuff above.

7 years later

I have installed OsTicket on centos 7, but i unable to complete the installation due to one error. Kindly help.
Error is : MySQLi extensi
on for PHP — missing!

    This thread is from 2012.
    Please do not be a necromancer.
    Please start your own thread.
    Please upgrade to the required PHP 5.6+.
    It appeas that your version of PHP does not have the mysqli extension enabled. You will have to do that in your php.ini.
    Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

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