Would anyone guide me on how to install a plugin, i have followed what instructions were given but it wont show in new plugins (osTicket-Modules-1008)..

Basically the procedure is like this:- Download the plugin (www.osticket.com/download)- Copy the plugin to the folder include/plugins- Make sure to set the correct permissions on the plugin phar- Under Admin Panel -> Manage -> Plugins add the new plugin, configure it and finally enable it.If this does not work, please see make sure your web server supports phar files, SE_Linux and other possible error sources are disabled and your php error log does not contain any error.

Thanks Chefkeks, i will give that a go and let you know if it works.

8 days later

That diddnt work, there was a lot of artifacts on the screen when i activated the plug in... :(

Please provide a little bit more info about your setup, so we can better assist you:http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//please-read-before-requesting-assistance#latest

You said "That diddnt work, there was a lot of artifacts on the screen when i activated the plug in... :("This unfortunately does not tell us anything about your issue or your setup .  I would recommend that you read and following the posting guidelines that @[deleted] provided the link to, provide a screen shot of what you are talking about, and perhaps provide us with an actual error from your PHP error logs.

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