Hi, I know 1.7-RC2 is an older version of osTicket and we've also got SSL in operation on the domain so I wanted to check what is the standard behaviour before I try and 'fix' the issue I'm having.When my users create a support ticket they get an email saying that they can view the progress of their ticket on the URL below:<domain>/view.php?e=email_address&t=00000When the user clicks on this link, the URL displays the Check Ticket Status page with the two form fields prepopulated. It also displays red error text 'Authentication Required' above the Email address input box and records a 'Failed login attempt (client)' in the System logs.This is leading some of my users to think there is a problem and they cannot access the ticket however if they simply click the 'View Status' submit button they would be logged in correctly. I think they're expecting to be taken directly to the ticket page not see a failed login box...Does anybody know if the problem is with my configuration of URL's, SSL, redirects etc or is this the default behaviour of the system?All help much appreciated, Amanda.

1.7-RC2 ... that's a) really old and b) not a stable version of osTicket (RC = Release Candidate) so you should really consider an upgrade to the latest version!Sorry if this does not answer your question, but it's hard to help with such old versions since a lot has changed from 1.7 to the current version (1.9.3), so I hope you understand that this is maybe something that's related to an old bug which was fixed meanwhile or so and that's why I personally always recommend to update to the latest version ;)

Thanks for getting back to me, obv that was my first response when I was asked to look into it :)I was mainly wondering what the standard behaviour of the software was when the user clicks on the link. I'm guessing newer versions of the software either a) take the user straight to the ticket or b) display the prepopulated login box without the error msg...Anyway, I'm looking at upgrade paths although that needs more time than for example, adjusting the htaccess for redirects...Cheers, Amanda ;)

Here's a discussion which maybe help you with the upgrade process (or at least describes the upgrade process).http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//resolved-upgrade-to-latest-release#latestBeside that, I guess there are several other threads here in the forum related to osTicket upgrades and you may also want to take a look at the osTicket wiki article regarding upgrade:http://osticket.com/wiki/Upgrade_and_migration

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