DEar All this is the first time i use OS Ticket i need to make user privileged like i want to make this software global i have 4 branchi need  to make group in this group user and a leader can see this user and i need to make another group in this group user and a leader but between this 2  group can`t see them all group is  a single  can you help me or provide me help sheet privilegedand i have another question i need to close when the client make ticket from customer portal i revived massage to admin email i need to close that i need to  system send mail to the client only by ticket details but not send email to email admin  thanks so much

This is painful to read.  Hope someone can understand it.Jack

I have no idea what you are trying to ask, since you did not actually ask anything.I would probably recommend that you setup a department for each branch.Each department can have it's own staff, and manager.

first thanks for you r replay i will ask againi have 3 branches Egypt and kuwait and lebanon in egypt i have 3 agent and teamleaderand in kuwait i have 3 agent and teamleaderand in lebanon i have i have 3 agent and teamleaderi need to make privileged for each  country for egypt and kuwait and lebanoni need egypt tickets access by egypt team only and also kuwait and lebanon  and i need in egypt user ticket private i need 3 agent in egypt didnt see tickets our self but the leader of egypt can see all tickets of egypt and also lebanon and kuwait got it gays :)

any one here gays :)

I'm not seeing a question to answer.

You've told us what you want to do. If you need it done for you, I'm sure that's available for a fee.If you want to do this yourself, then try it, then ask specific questions.Jack

okay i need to know what is The difference between Teams and Department and Group

A department is a department.  It is a logical grouping ... ie if you work in Billing you would be in the Billing Department.A group is a "security group" that controls a individuals or "group" of individuals access to the ticket system.A team is a collective of people who may work on the same type of issues that are not necessarily in the same department.

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