• General Discussions
  • What if i try to provide hosting of OsTicket to other customers - Will i be violating the license

Hi,What if i try to provide hosting of OsTicket to other customers - Will i be violating the license.I know osticket is already providing that and chances of success is almost nill but just for experience if i try doing that will i be violating the licenseThanksSaurabh

@[deleted]: Correct me please if I am wrong here!If I am correct, osticket is under GNU GPL Version 2:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/LICENSE.txtGNU GPL in Version 2 allows you to modify osTicket and sell/distribute it as long as you make the modified source available to others (your customers, etc.) - see these links here:https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq.html#GPLCommerciallyhttps://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq.html#DoesTheGPLAllowMoney

7 days later

IANAL, this would ultimately be a question for a lawyer to answer.

@[deleted]Thanks for the follow-up. An answer to that question (from a lawyer or Peter) would definitely be interesting since someone is already selling modified and hosted osTicket versions as well as support for it - just see here: http://osticket.com.de/editions.php (I know it's in German, so just use a website translator)

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