I installed osTicket and I want to do is take that same program for several companies but their tickets to see each other. is this possible ?, the idea is to save the job of installing the system for each company that is that if I have 4 companies, 4 using the same system installed, instead of installing one for each company.

You cannot really do that at this time using the stock ui.The feature has been discussed though and should be forth coming with a future release.  (We refer to the feature as multiple branding).

Ok I see, as if in a discucion saw in this forum that had been doing something parcedio, entonses thought that if there was as such.

I remember a post on this forum where someone was up to that module by multiple companies, but he erased the download link. It could be that someone could share to give me an idea of ​​how to do it?

why don't you create department for each compagny?

why don't you create department for each compagny?

Because each company could have more than 1 deparments (That`s my case).

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