I'm running 1.9.2 on an Ubuntu 14.04 server and wanted to setup the plugin for attachment storage in s3.I placed the contents (of the zip) into the

include/plugins folderWhen I run the command - php make.php hydrateI get the following errors - Loading composer repositories with package informationInitializing PEAR repository http://pear.php.netCould not load Auth 1.3.0r5: Invalid version string "1.3.0r5"Could not load Auth 1.3.0r4: Invalid version string "1.3.0r4"Could not load Auth 1.3.0r3: Invalid version string "1.3.0r3"Could not load Auth 1.3.0r2: Invalid version string "1.3.0r2"Could not load Auth 1.3.0r1: Invalid version string "1.3.0r1"Could not load Auth_PrefManager2 2.0.0dev1: Invalid version string "2.0.0dev1"Could not load Contact_AddressBook 0.1.0dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.0dev1"Could not load Gtk_ScrollingLabel 0.1.0dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.0dev1"Could not load Image_Graph 0.3.0dev4: Invalid version string "0.3.0dev4"Could not load Image_Graph 0.3.0dev3: Invalid version string "0.3.0dev3"Could not load Image_Graph 0.3.0dev2: Invalid version string "0.3.0dev2"Could not load Image_Graph 0.3.0dev1: Invalid version string "0.3.0dev1"Could not load Net_MPD 0.1.0dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.0dev1"Could not load PEAR 1.9.5dev1: Invalid version string "1.9.5dev1"Could not load Structures_DataGrid 0.9.1dev1: Invalid version string "0.9.1dev1"Could not load Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Array 0.2.0dev1: Invalid version string "0.2.0dev1"Could not load Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DataObject 0.2.2dev1: Invalid version string "0.2.2dev1"Could not load Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_XML 0.2.1dev1: Invalid version string "0.2.1dev1"Could not load Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_CSV 0.1.5dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.5dev1"Could not load Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XML 0.1.4dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.4dev1"Could not load Structures_Form 0.8.0devel: Invalid version string "0.8.0devel"Could not load Structures_Form_Gtk2 0.8.0devel: Invalid version string "0.8.0devel"Could not load Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_PDO 0.1.1dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.1dev1"Could not load Text_PathNavigator 0.1.0dev2: Invalid version string "0.1.0dev2"Could not load Text_PathNavigator 0.1.0dev1: Invalid version string "0.1.0dev1"Could not load Services_Pingback 0.2.0dev2: Invalid version string "0.2.0dev2"Installing dependencies (including require-dev)Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.  Problem 1    - The requested package pear-pear/net_ldap2 could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.Potential causes: - A typo in the package name - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting   see <https://groups.google.com/d/topic/composer-dev/_g3ASeIFlrc/discussion> for more details.Read <http://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md> for further common problems.Hydrating :: lib/pear-pear.php.net/Net_LDAP2 => auth-ldap/includePHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator:(/var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/lib/pear-pear.php.net/Net_LDAP2): failed to open dir: No such file or directory' in /var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/make.phpStack trace:#0 /var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/make.php(407): RecursiveDirectoryIterator->__construct('/var/www/html/s...', 4096)#1 /var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/make.php(329): PluginBuilder->_hydrate()#2 /var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/make.php(251): PluginBuilder->run(Array, Array)#3 /var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/make.php(508): Module->_run('make.php')#4 {main}  thrown in /var/www/html/support1.6/include/plugins/core-plugins-develop/make.php on line 407Is there anything I can do to fix this so I can use the plugin?Thanks,Aaron

I would recommend that you just download the plugin from:http://osticket.com/download#addonsThat way you don't have to do any of the hydrate command stuff. :)  You can also extract the dependencies from the .phar you download.

17 days later

That's much easier to just download the plugin like that :)Does the .phar need specific permissions or anything?When I go into the Admin to Global Ticket Settings -> Attachments I don't see any option for S3 storage. Also, I'm able to run php composer.phar which tells me that .phar must be enabled. Any other ideas?Thanks again

.phar must be enabled at the PHP level (in your php.ini)  Is it?  :)

I went into php.ini and can see the Phar section but looks like it is all commented out, guess that's the issue :)

; http://php.net/phar.readonly

;phar.readonly = On

; http://php.net/phar.require-hash

;phar.require_hash = On

;phar.cache_list =

What should I do? Uncomment each line? Then restart apache?

You may need to install the php5-phar package or You may just need to enable the extention.

I actually created a phpinfo file and opened to see if phar was enabled. It gives me the following which seems that the extension is enabled. It really doesn't make any sense to me. Is there something I'm missing? Or looking in wrong place for the s3 setting?PharPhar: PHP Archive supportenabledPhar EXT version2.0.2Phar API version1.1.1SVN revision$Id: a5488937a80433d434af6753d3db8517feaf91df $Phar-based phar archivesenabledTar-based phar archivesenabledZIP-based phar archivesenabledgzip compressionenabledbzip2 compressionenabledOpenSSL supportenabled

Phar: PHP Archive support | enabledPhar is enabled. :)

Yes...I know it's enabled.So why does it not show any setting for s3 in the Admin under Attachments?

Have you installed the plug in in osT? (Admin panel -> Manage -> Plugins -> Add New Plugin)Have you configured the plugin? (Admin panel -> Manage -> Plugins)HAve you enabled the plugin? (Admin panel -> Manage -> Plugins -> tick the box next tothe plugin, and click Enable button at bottom)

Thank you for those steps! I followed that to install/configure/enable the plugin. I did not see these instructions in the Readme or on Github. It would really help if those were added so to know where to look since the Phar was already enabled. Now I can see the attachment is added (into S3) when I create a new ticket (from the front-end). One thing I did notice when I create a New ticket in the Staff Panel and attach a file then save it, the attachment is not stored. Is that a separate issue not related to the S3 plugin?Thanks again for all the support

I believe that is a bug.  (one that I reported a while ago on github)see: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/727You can add an attachment afterwards (or by opening the ticket via email with an attachment) but for some reason the first attachment added when open a ticket doesn't take.  I think that if you add the attachment twice though it works.  I haven't had a chacne to troubleshoot it further, but you might want to let them know you have also having the same problemBTw, your very welcome. :)

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