I've been trying to change the text of the program, accessing files. php and change the texts are in English for Spanish. According to me, to make the change, save the changes and restart the page file should be able to show, does not show me anything worse, I keep showing the same texts for example in this picture. Not if you need to change this path upload \ include \ staff have modified a file called user.inc.php but does not show me the changes, also in the path of upload \ include \ staff \ templates are templates but understand that not if you need to change here.

I'm sorry I'm not sure what your asking.

in other words, in that folder are correct to translate the program into Spanish archives. I have understood that it is in this: include / staff but not if it is the only folder to modify or are other more.

Presuming that you are using 1.9.2 the part that you underlined in red is at:\include\client\login.inc.phpline 54

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