Hello,im configure attachments settings like it shown on screen - max. 5 files to upload.Unfortunetly, when I try add more then one, osticket dont add secont, but change file to upload.Does anyone of U have same problem?


more my observiation - with same configuration liku You can see above, I can create ticket :email - i can send more then 5 fileswebform - i can send NOT more then 5 filesstaff-panel - i can add just 1 file

my own solution:in file /include/staff/ticket-view.inc.php I found this code:                    <div class="file_input">                        <input type="file" class="multifile" name="attachments" size="30" value="" />                    </div>so i just add "multiple" atribute like this:                    <div class="file_input">                        <input type="file" class="multifile" name="attachments" size="30" value="" multiple/>                    </div>now

using crtl+mouse I can add more then one attachments .I dont know it is safe and reasonable solution, but for me its ok.//Sorry for posting one by one

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