I want to unassign staff on dept transfer. Currently, when a ticket is assigned to a staff member and at some later point they transfer to a dept it remains assigned to them and in their 'Answered' queue. When transferring to another dept is it possible to clear the 'assigned staff' field?Not sure how to make the changes, but I'm assuming it would be in these two files: scp/tickets.php and /include/class.ticket.phptickets.php => //If no errors - them attempt the transferif(!$errors && $ticket->transfer($_POST, $_POST)) { $msg = 'Ticket transferred successfully to '.$ticket->getDeptName(); if($_POST=='s' && $id==$ticket->getStaffId()) {  $thisstaff->setStaffId(0);  } //Check to make sure the staff still has access to the ticket        if(!$ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff))        $ticket=null;}

11 days later

Can anyone help?

We also found this a issue, but we are aware of modding our osticket install. We found a solution by unassigning tickets first before transferring to another department. To unassign you need to be a dept. manager, so unfortunately dept. manager always needs to make unassignment before transfer is made.

I thought about doing that as well, Chefkeks, but it seems like it will become such a hassle. Hopefully someone else has done a mod for this, or at least knows what code to change, and will comment soon!

7 days later

We are having the same issue. When assigning a ticket to another department it stays assigned to that staff member/ 

Could someone also tell me how to unassign the ticket. I am not seeing anything in the options. 

Just a quick update. I was able to clear the staff by making myself the manager of that department.I would like to see something implemented or an option that if a ticket gets assigned to another department or team from a staff member then they no longer are assigned the ticket.

22 days later

Created an issue on Github for this: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1100

2 months later

Hi guys, any news on that? I have encountered the same problem, need to un-assign when moving to another team or dept.

Look at @[deleted] post which reads:"Created an issue on Github for this: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1100".Did you click on the link and look at the issue report on github?  No?  Perhaps you should.There is an entire discussion there about the topic, and no it's still open.

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