Greetings friends, a question: is there any option within the program to allow me to make a backup of the information stored in the database?. This in order to warn against failure of the server configuration needs to restore the information. if there is not some pluging for this or I have to get directly to the mysql for backup. osTicket program I have installed on a web server called xampp.

No.  You would want to do it at the server level, or via MySQL command line.

mysqldump -u {username} -p {database name} > {myfilename.sql}you will get prompted for a password.  (or you can specify it after -p)You can use number of freeware MySQL management tools as wellXAMPP comes with PHPMyAdmin, but I would not use it for MySQL backup. 

Googling for how to back up a MySQL database will also result in 8.1 million results.

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