I am new to osTicket.  We are looking to use osTicket as an internal system.  I am looking for a way to make notes added to a ticket internal notes rather than posting a reply by default.  I am also looking for a way to disable the ticket notice when creating a new ticket.  Any help that anyone could provide would be appreciated.  

There is no way to do what you are asking in the ui.  You could alter the source to do it though.As far as disabling ticket notices you should take a look at:Admin panel -> Settings -> AutoresponderandAdmin panel -> Settings -> Alerts & Notices

Thanks for the quick response.  That is what I figured the answer would be.  I just wanted to see if it is possible. We want to list the email address of the person, but we don't necessarily want to actually send them an email from osTicket.

Just answered this on another thread: http://osticket.com/forum/discussion/comment/81501/#Comment_81501Try it in your browser first with the console!You can also go a bit further and remove it altogether!: /scp/js/ticket.js$('#reply,#reply_tab').remove(); $('#note_tab').trigger('click');

10 months later

Hello! Also, you can change manually the order of tabs.In version 1.9.6LINE 449 SAYS:

if($thisstaff->canPostReply()) { ?>        <li><a id="note_tab" href="#note"><?php echo __('Post Internal Note');?></a></li>        <?php        if($thisstaff->canTransferTickets()) { ?>        <li><a id="reply_tab" href="#reply"><?php echo __('Post Reply');?></a></li>

MUST SAY:        if($thisstaff->canTransferTickets()) { ?>        <li><a id="reply_tab" href="#reply"><?php echo __('Post Reply');?></a></li>        <?php        if($thisstaff->canPostReply()) { ?>        <li><a id="note_tab" href="#note"><?php echo __('Post Internal Note');?></a></li>So, in my case, at least, it send internal notes without having to grab the mouse.Hope it helps :-\

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