Hi, what is the most straightforward way to force users to set a help topic?It can be in the first save or ticket close, i don't mind, but the ticked must have a help topic when it is closed.The problem is that the tickets are open by email and the osticket user ( tech support ) need to set a help topic for statistics, but they don't do it if its not mandatory on the system. Many thanks in advance.Server Information

osTicket Version


Server Software

Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)

PHP Version


MySQL Version


Honestly the only way to ensure that tickets have a help topic is to force users to use the web interface.

The upcoming version supports setting default help topic at the email level (email setting) as well as ticket filters.

I've got a feeling that i'm using the help topic field for the wrong thing.What i need is a field where our support technician can categorize the problem. Something like "software issue", "hardware issue", "software installation" etc...But i need this field in a report to generate statistics for the inquiries. From what i've seen the help topic looked perfect because it is on the dashboard statistics and on the tickets list download.

I'm not seeing a question to answer so I am unsure how to reply to this thread. :)

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