Hi Can anybody help me set up osticket via a synology nas unit any help would be much appreciatedthanks

Google says:https://www.google.com/#q=osticket.com+forum+synologyThese look promising:http://www.forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//synology-rs411-nashttp://forum.synology.com/enu/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=59614

cheers for that but links on this are down http://www.forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//synology-rs411-nas

synology says that you need mariadb i dont even no what that is

link works for me just fine.MariaDB is a MySQL replacement.

6 days later

ive managed to set this up on my synology but whenever i click on the icon i get sent to the help desk page i need it go to the page were users can login? any idea

sorry i have no idea what that means?

You have a URL that you use to access your Synology.  Its a web server.  You know what directory that osTicket is deployed to.  OTher wise you couldn't have run the installation script.  Open a web broswer.  Type in that URL.  add /scp to the end.

sorry thanks for your replies ntozier its not working i think im missing something or i have not done it right?ive attached some images if you would be kind enough to take a look i would appreciate it greatly 

Synology app installed.png

when app clicked.png

install dir.png

adding scp1.png

adding scp.png

Based on the 2nd screen shot I would tryhttp:// me know how you make out with this. :)

Very welcome.  I am going to mark this thread as resolved and close it.  If you have another question please feel free to start a new thread.  Have a great day!

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