Hi,I would like to add a Status field similar to the image below, I am running osTicket , does anyone have any ideas?blank

Is it possible no one knows how to do this?

It's not possible at the moment. It's on our todo list. 

What Peter means to say is, its not possible to do with the current ui, and that its on the to do list for a future release.  However if you know html/php you could mod your installation.  This thread ought to point you in the right direction.http://www.forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//a-better-ticket-list#latest

I've seen that thread but that is for 1.7 I am running, php files are different

@[deleted] then you didn't read far enough.

15 days later

@[deleted] just as @[deleted] stated, you didn't read far enough, I managed to get it working with my 1.8.1 version of OSticket as the mod maker has it updated for I believe.

9 days later


Would be able to move http://www.forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//a-better-ticket-list#latest to the 1.8 forums to avoid confusion?

Hi Guys,Sorry for the late reply but you were right, I hadn't read to the end of the thread.On a separate note I am trying to customize the priority section of the tickets view, I've managed to change the background colour for each priority but now I would like to change the text colour can anyone help me out?

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