Hey all,I am not very familiar to modifying osticket any help will be most appreciated.What I would like to achieve it to add Departments to the main ticket view. While also having each of the departments in a different colour.Out of curiosity is there also a way to tag a ticket status such as "Booked"Thanks ahead of time.Krisps we are using 1.8.0

So I'm not sure what this would gain as only people who have access to all or multiple departments would be able to see the difference.  I imagine that most staff would only see one departments tickets anyway....  but I can see why you would want to do this.  I think that you may be able to look at this thread and it would point you in the right direction: http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//a-better-ticket-listThere was a mod to add additional statuses to tickets for 1.6 and 1.7 but I discontinued it.  There was another one called Second Status that might work the way you want it to.  I think that the current version of it is:http://www.msrltech.com/support/dev/index.php/Ticket_Status_Mod

Thanks for the reply.It's a small company and I see multiple departments throughout the day.Thats my reasons for wanting to see colour for departments so I can see support without needing look through tickets.I will post my results to help anyone else.Thanks againKris

Hey, I just put in my mod for adding Dept to the ticket view on another response.  It's not colored, but could be a start.  See: http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//customise-the-open-tickets-view#latestAgain, I took clues from another post that I forget and someone else deserves some credit. My edits are for but likely are compatible.

5 days later

That worked a treat,Thanks, I currently looking at the colour changing. I will post soon.

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