I have installed osTICKET ( on a server running Windows Server 2003.  Everything is working fine except that osTICKET run as an application so when I loggoff osTICKET stop working.  Is there a way to configure osTICKET so it run as a service instead?Thanks

You would want to make sure that the web server is running when you log out. (IIS or Apache or whatever your using)  I was of the opinion that these were setup as services when you installed them.You also need to setup windows task scheduler to run cron.php so that it will continue to fetch and process email.

Thanks for the information.  I was able to setup Apache and MySQL to run as service but I have no clue about Cron.  Can you help?.Thanks again.

This is how I have do it:1. create a .bat file (you can name it whatever you want. Mine is called osticket_mail_check.bat.2. put the M:\path\to\php.exe -f M:\path\to\osticket\api\cron.php in it.Make sure that you edit this to fit your installation. example mine looks like:C:\Progra~1\PHP\PHP53\php.exe -f c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sitename\api\cron.php3. create a shortcut to the bat.4. configure windows task scheduler to call the shortcut every couple minutes.

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