Call to undefined method Mail_mimePart:() in C:\wamp\www\chrisons\include\PEAR\Mail\mime.php on line Call Stack#TimeMemoryFunctionLocation10.0010142984{main}( )..\index.php:020.0020154936require( 'C:\wamp\www\chrisons\' )..\index.php:1630.0040216856require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\chrisons\' )..\ )..\>send( )..\class.mailer.php:20260.11804557208Mail_mime->headers( )..\class.mailer.php:16270.11804558016Mail_mime->_encodeHeaders( )..\mime.php:108780.11804558888Mail_mime->encodeHeader( )..\mime.php:1308Showing me error when i trying to upgrade..Any Soutions?ThanksPrashant

You should try re-uploading the source from the distribution archive.  If that fails then I would post on github about that.  I've never seen that as an error before. 

Hi ntozierThanks for your kindly response..i have tried again the error is still samekinldy let me what what you can do for me,,,i need to resolve and be update as soonThanksprashant

Most people who have mentioned having issues going from 1.6 to 1.8 I've told to upgrade to 1.7 first.  And then once that was completed perform the upgrade to 1.8  You might want to try that.

HiStill the issue is same when i use to upgrade for 1.7 any idea for above error?

Trace errors were not added until the 1.8 tree...  so the likely hood that you are experiencing the trace in 1.7 is less then likely unless you are maybe using something that isn't 1.7ST.  Try upgrading to 1.7ST and please provide any new errors you get.

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