Hey all,I'm having a lot of issues getting osTicket up and running, and so far I've not even been able to get the setup to start. I am new to Apache and PHP and I have spent the last few hours trying to get over some hurdles.OS: CentOS 6.5I have installed all of the pre-req's listed on the Wiki (mysql, mysql-server, php) and I have followed the directions as best as I can, but after copying the contents of the update directory into /var/www/html/osticket I am faced with one of two situations. The first situation is: when accessing http://localhost/osticket/ I get a blank webpage. This happens if I only follow the directions on the Wiki and do no other modifications.The second situation is: when accessing http://localhost/osticket/ I receive a 403 Forbidden Error. I believe that this situation is "closer" to working than the first one, but I'm still unable to actually install osTicket.I imagine my problems are focused around apache configuration, but I am lost. I have searched up and down for a way to install osTicket, and none of the documentation I can find addresses the issues that I am having.Currently I am reinstalling the VM that osTicket will be sitting on so I will have a fresh install to try out any suggestions on. If I have missed anything, or if you need more information from me to identify the issue, please let me know. I am new to webhosting, so please bear with me on my understanding of the topic.

What version of osTicket are you running?  What version of PHP?  Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting

guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. 

The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist

you. Thank you. That being said here are some questions:Re: CentOS 6.5Have you disabled SELinux?What user is your webserver running as?Does it have permission to access the web root?When you get the blank page are you going to look at your php error log and seeing what the error actually is?

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