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Anyone know any Bootstrap Responsive Themes for osTicket 1.8 free or to pay for?
Anyone know any Bootstrap Responsive Themes for osTicket 1.8 free or to pay for?
There are none at this time.And you would really want them to be made for 1.8.1 since 1.8 is not 5 versions old.
you can start from here :http://jaypick.me/projects/osticket-themebut you will need to make modifications to make it work with new version.
Hi, alexzOne,I already test your osTicket theme in 1.8.1 and made some modification. Its works!Thanks.
could you tell me how to get the text over the input box?
could you tell me how to get the
text over the input box?
what do you mean by "get the text over the input box?" what are you try to do?
http://www.support.addwebtour.com/open.php look at this on your mobile phone
I want it to look like this
Your Information
Email Address:*
Full Name:*
Phone Number:*
I don't want it to be like this
Full Name:*
Sorry had to change the site url it's now https://addwebtour.com/support/open.php
hi ltyrell,There are many ways to design form like you want. I think you want to save some space right? Why not try to use float lables CSS. You also can use JS etc.I prefer use CSS.you can find nice tutorial here. http://css-tricks.com/float-labels-css/and run your test code herehttp://www.bootply.com/new
Thanks for your help, but i gave up
<label for="b97af4cda200a8ae" class="required"> Email Address:</label> insert <br> next that labelor you can also do like this<input id="email" type="text" name="lemail" size="30" value="" placeholder="Email Address">no need to use label..
Hi khairulzuan Any chance you can upload your modified version of the theme that works with 1.8.1 to a new branch in the repo?https://bitbucket.org/madebyplatform/osticket-theme/overviewWe're just about to start work on theming this for somebody on 1.8.2 and can then upload our version on top.Don't worry if not but thought I would ask the question.Chris
@ socialresponse if you get it done for 1.8.2 I would buy a copy
@ khairulzuan I would buy a copy from you tooI don't care what it looks like just need a 1.8.2 to be Bootstrap Responsive i'll change the look for it
Newbie here to OST. Anyone have a suggestion as to how best to create a theme that will work for future versions? Does OST have a 'design' folder that can be applied?
@[deleted] you would probably want to wait until the theme/template engine is in place. (forth coming version)
You can start creating responsive themes https: SLASH SLASH bbbootstrap DOT com
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