Hi all,I've seen than in all versions of osticket 1.8 and above (including 1.8.1-rc1), when a user submits a ticket, if he reloads the thankyou page (for instance, pressing F5), the ticket is created again, resulting in a duplicate.Is there any way to solve this? I've seen a popular mod for 1.6 versions, but nothing for 1.8. Somebody with same experience?Regards.

There is no way to prevent this in the ui at this time.  I'll move your thread to the mods and customization section of the forums.

8 days later

Ok. Thak you so much. I will wait for a future release.In any case, if anyone has any kind of "dirty" solution, I'm still open to it :)

HII have the below in "thankyou.inc.php"<script type="text/javascript"><!--function delayer(){    window.location = "index.php"}//--></script><body onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 10000)">thanksPeter

19 days later

Hi all!!Sorry for my late response.Thanks for the idea ThunderStorm. Actually I've based on it to include this code in open.php:Below of (line 73):echo Format:($ticket->replaceVars(str_replace(                    array('%{ticket.number}', '%{ticket.extId}', '%{ticket}'), //ticket number vars.                    array_fill(0, 3, 'XXXXXX'),                    $page->getBody()                    )));I've put:    function redirect(){      echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">setTimeout(function () { location.href =     \'index.php\'; }, 5000);</script>';    }    redirect();This redirects to index.php past 5 seconds from displaying the thankyou code page.It's a dirty solution and I'm sure there's a best way to do this, but after fighting with headers() and more, I think this is the easiest.Regards!!

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