Hi there! First & foremost I was wondering, what's a quick & easy way to tell what osTicket version I'm on? I'm not the person that setup this system initially. As such, this post might* be in the wrong spot. I was curious, in terms of backing up osTicket, is there anything I need to do to put the ticketing system in "read only" mode, much like MediaWiki & other constantly evolving systems? Also, I'm assuming the tickets are all stored in whatever database is chosen at install time. Is it straight-forward backing up & restoring tickets? Should I also tar gzip my ticket directory with all the PHP files?Thanks!

Since you haven't told us which version you are using I can't easily tell you how to determine which version you are running.  If the forum you post in is any indication you are are going to have issues upgrading. The version may be displayed at the top at Admin panel -> Settings.  If its not you may need to look in the main.inc.php for a line that looks like:define('THIS_VERSION','1.6 ST')Note: as of 1.7.x I seem to recall version being added to the DB.I would recommend reading and following this guide: http://www.tmib.net/how-upgrade-osticket-17st-172It's for an older version, but the basics haven't changed.

Ah, sweet, I'm on 1.7.0, that seems to answer my question. I'll have to see about getting full administrator access. How does osTicket go about being put into offline mode if I wanted to handle that manually to automate my backups? Thanks.

Go to:Admin panel -> Settingslocate Helpdesk Status: and set it to Offline

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