Hi ,I want to configure the email fetching with IMAP protocol of Gmail on windows 2012 server with a Gmail test address, My setting is :       Host: imap.gmail.com       Port: 993       Protocol: IMAP       Encryption: SSLBut, when I try to save the changes ,  I got   an error page   HTTP 505  after a long wait  ,  the web site cannot display the page Thanks

Have you enabled IMAP in your Gmail settings?

I enabled IMAP in my php  extension !  I thought that by default IMAP is enabled in Gmail ?how to enable IMAP in Gmail , I already installed osTicket in windows 7, and the fetching was working with the same Gmail account without doing anything in Gmail setting

I checked my Gmail account  IMAP  is enabled , when I try to configure the fetching I am getting blank page !

Is there anything in your php error log?I would also recommend upgrading to 1.8.x.

Hi Thanks for your reply, here what's inside the apache_error: PHP Warning:  imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {imap.gmail.com/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX in E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.mailfetch.php on line 138, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   1. {main}() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\scp\\emails.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   2. Email->update() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\scp\\emails.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   3. Email->save() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.email.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   4. MailFetcher->connect() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.email.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   5. MailFetcher->open() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.mailfetch.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   6. call_user_func_array() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.mailfetch.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.mailfetch.php on line 138, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   1. {main}() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\scp\\emails.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   2. Email->update() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\scp\\emails.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   3. Email->save() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.email.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   4. MailFetcher->connect() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.email.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5 PHP   5. MailFetcher->open() E:\\wamp\\www\\osticket\\include\\class.mailfetch.php, referer: http://localhost/osticket/scp/emails.php?id=5

Hi,I installed the version 1,8 and got the following error when I try to configure the email fetch Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {pop.gmail.com/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX in E:\wamp\www\osticket\include\class.mailfetch.php on line 139

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