May be I can contribute to this, having faced the same issue for many days but I fixed it somehow:In Admin Panel -> Emails -> click on the main email you will be using as a system email (example: once the page opens, enter the username and password for this email account which you will use to authenticate in outlook too. Now, the tricky part which took me some time to figure out, as we too are using exchange server:Mail Account settings: Host name -> I put as IP address of my web server (try and find this correct IP address). I use port 143SMTP settings: SMTP Host --> I found out this from here:Open your outlook account settings from outlook itself by File -> Info ->Account settings -> Account settings again -> click on the email which is setup currently and click on 'Change' , then click on -> More settings --> then click on Connection tab --> click on 'Exchange proxy settings' at the bottom -> here you go, in connection settings you see a URL (example: or may be different. So I used this as SMTP host. SMTP Port is generally 25. Authentication required: YesClick Save. Go to Diagnostic and try sending a mail, see if you receive any email.try this and see if it works.