Hi,I would like to add other values to the . Am running v1.8.0.2 fyi...Unless I'm missing something obvious, I can't see any way of modifying the values.I have Phone, Email, Other.I'd like to add & to the available options in the dropdown.Many thanks in advance.Phil

Hey Phil,There is currently no way to do that through the UI. I'm going to move this thread to mods section of the forums.Source is an enum stored in the ost_ticket table.ENUM('Web','Email','Phone','API','Other')You could alter this but then you would need to go through the code and look for places that reference this.  The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is /include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php.  Search for "Other" then alter the form to include your custom sources.NOTE: this is a mod, and as such when you upgrade it will have to be re-done.

read this. i have added facebook and office as an option and learned how from this posts. http://www.forum.osticket.com/d/discussion/

It always amuses me greatly when someone posts something like that and I realize that the person is pointing to an answer that I provided.  Anyway that link is to how to do it on 1.6.  It's a little different in 1.8, but not hugely.

Its also in class.filter.php:    /** static functions **/    function getTargets() {        return array(                'Any' => 'Any',                'Web' => 'Web Forms',                'API' => 'API Calls',                'Email' => 'Emails');    }and     function origin2target($origin) {        $sources=array('web' => 'Web', 'email' => 'Email', 'phone' => 'Web', 'staff' => 'Web', 'api' => 'API');        return $sources;    }/include/staff/ticket-edit.inc.php               <select name="source">                    <option value="" selected >&mdash; Select Source &mdash;</option>                    <option value="Phone" <?php echo ($info=='Phone')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>>Phone</option>                    <option value="Email" <?php echo ($info=='Email')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>>Email</option>                    <option value="Web"   <?php echo ($info=='Web')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>>Web</option>                    <option value="API"   <?php echo ($info=='API')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>>API</option>                    <option value="Other" <?php echo ($info=='Other')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>>Other</option>                </select>  include/class.ticket.php        switch (strtolower($origin)) {            case 'web':                $fields  = array('type'=>'int',  'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Select help topic');                break;            case 'staff':                $fields   = array('type'=>'int',  'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Dept. required');                $fields  = array('type'=>'int',  'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Topic required');                $fields  = array('type'=>'date', 'required'=>0, 'error'=>'Invalid date - must be MM/DD/YY');            case 'api':                $fields   = array('type'=>'string', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Indicate source');                break;            case 'email':                $fields  = array('type'=>'int',  'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Email unknown');                break;            default:                # TODO: Return error message                $errors=$errors = 'Invalid origin given';        }There are probably more.

i have folowed that one in 1.7.3 and 1.8 and now i used it on , havent tried it on becouse i cant update ugrade. have ome other moods that i cant figoure out in 

2 years later

With version 1.9.12 I've edited \include\staff\ticket-open.inc.php </tr>        <tr>            <td width="160" class="required">                <?php echo __('Ticket Source');?>:            </td>            <td>                <select name="source">                    <option value="Phone" selected="selected"><?php echo __('Phone'); ?></option>                    <option value="Email" <?php echo ($info=='Email')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>><?php echo __('Email'); ?></option>                    <option value="Other" <?php echo ($info=='Other')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>><?php echo __('Other'); ?></option>                    <option value="Face to Face" <?php echo ($info=='Face to Face')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>><?php echo __('Face to Face'); ?></option>                    <option value="SMS Text" <?php echo ($info=='SMS Text')?'selected="selected"':''; ?>><?php echo __('SMS Text'); ?></option>                </select>                &nbsp;<font class="error"><b>*</b>&nbsp;<?php echo $errors; ?></font>            </td>        </tr>Seems to work OK...

Arrgh - didn't work Error - 'invalid ticket source'

13 days later

I wonder if there is any reason why the code couldn't be converted to utilize a list for the Ticket Source....If there isn't, I may start a feature branch and start trying to move in that direction - my company needs to add several and seems like it would just be easier to do the work once to convert it to use a list (or something similar) versus using the ENUM with all the static data.

    2 years later
    3 years later

    Heyy folks !! I am able to create and fetch tickets through API and guzzle request and find desired result . If anyone having assigned ticket and update ticket info API that should be great help to me. Thanks in advance . Partha

    5 days later

    This is a really old thread, and I do not see w question.
    Please do not be a necromancer and start your own thread.

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