I was wondering if anyone has made or has a mod that would allow my users to use LDAP to authenticate instead of having to use their email and then track down a ticket ID to log in. If LDAP or HTTP authentication would work then viewing the ticket history would be much easier. You know users, easy makes them happy.

Not for 1.8 but it is coming in 1.8.1.

a month later

1.8.1 is out but there is no user ldap yet?

You can get it here https://github.com/osTicket/core-plugins

There is no user (client) AD/LDAP at this time.There is staff AD/LDAP at this time and you can get the plugin from either:http://osticket.com/download#addonsorhttps://github.com/osTicket/core-pluginsI believe that User (client) AD/LDAP is due out in version 1.8.2 once User (client) accounts are revamped. Sorry for the confusion.

24 days later

No worries. Thanks for getting me straight on that one. I wouldn't want to confuse anyone else.

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