I upgraded to 1.8 and couldn't post new topics. It would always say "Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again"  I reset the whole site doing a fresh install and am still experiencing the same issue.

So turns out it works on firefox and not chrome. Anyone else have this issue? it appears to an issue with wyswig editors.

I have not experienced this problem.  Please upgrade to

That is the version I am using.OSticket: Server Chrome: Version 31.0.1650.63 m WindowsPHP Version: 5.3.27Mysql: 5.1.56Staff sideAll osticket associated php plugins function properly as well.

Someone else mentioned that they were having a similar problem if CAPTCHAs are turned on.  Do you use CAPTCHAs?  If so have you tried shutting them off?  I cannot reproduce this problem with either of my installations.  I am using Chrome (Version 32.0.1700.72 m) I see that your version is a little older, can you please try upgrading it.

No CAPTCHA enabled and it is in the staff side I didnt think it enabled captchas in the staffside. it is really odd.

No CAPTCHA enabled and it is in the staff side I didnt think it enabled captchas in the staffside. it is really odd.

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