Hello,I know that translation is not ready for the moment.But, can you tell me how to translate oSTicket ? I need just to translate the i18n/en_US folder ?Thank for your help

In the short term that may have the desired effect. But I think that it might cause problems upgrading later. You may want to just wait until them multilanguage version is released. http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//hello-habari-hallo-bonjour-hola-ciao#latest

22 days later

HelloIn my opinion, it's not a good idea to just keep waiting. Why not let people copy and edit i18n/en_US to i18n/other_language and then allow them to do the work themselves?We have submitted the transalation a month ago, but it's still 0% approved.It's not so good for user experience.

People can translate the en_US should they want to.  We're note stopping them from doing do. I'm saying however that language files installed under 1.8.1 do not do a complete translation of the UI because the the feature isn't finished yet.

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