Hi,I really hope someone answers this query of mine.I set up osticket (Sorry there is no thread for this version so far, so I posted here) and email is working fine.Email working means, after adding my host and smtp port settings, OsTicket system is able to send email/alerts to clients and the admin.first, I'm confused between piping and polling.But now, I also want the functionality where the system should automatically create a ticket if my client sends an email to : support@mydomain.comit should automatically create a ticket in the system and this client should also get a usual reply with the ticket number Kindly help me at the earliest.Thanks a lotRick 

Piping is for sending mail from the mail server directly to osticket (and is closer to real time).Polling is configuring osTicket to go check a mail box (pop or imap) on a schedule.Since your asking you should probably setup Polling.  The wiki for that is in the POP3/IMAP setting guide.

Thanks Cyanoroid. Do you know about any easy to follow guide for it ?Thanks ntozier for your comments. I understood what you mentioned about piping and polling.though, just to clarify, this means it is possible to setup osticket in the following way:1. Once end user creates a ticket through web, he/she will get a email confirmation and also, admin will receive alerts too. --> So this part is working for me.2. To add to point 1, I also want osticket to automatically create a ticket if somebody sends a email to my support email.So I assume both point 1 & 2 can be done at the same time. I checked the link you gave, but I already did that initially. point is I couldn't follow it, not enough knowledge about how to set up cron job.not sure which I one I should follow: Recurring tasks scheduler (Cron Job) or Recurring tasks scheduler (host's custom task scheduler)and when to use API ?But, if you could find a article which I can follow, that'll be great.Anyways, thanks for your help.Rick

There is a tutorial at http://www.easycron.com/tutorials/how-to-set-up-cron-job-for-osticket , may be help you set cron job.

It didn't work for me :(any help ?

nakul21:I have successfully set the purpose of generating ticket in my system, so I think maybe I can do a little help.To make things clear, can you please tell us what hosting service you are currently using?I mean, do you host osticket and email service at the same hosting?In my case, I used the same hosting for both email and ticket system, so I applied Local Piping for my ticket system.I forwarded support@mydomain.com emails to public_html/osticket/api/pipe.php by Advanced Options, then I get this result |/home/myusername/public_html/osticket/api/pipe.phpI used file manager to check /public_html/osticket/api/pipe.php, and I really saw this #!/usr/bin/php -q at top line. I double confirmed the permission for pipe.php, it was 644 by default, so I set it to 755 DoneDid you miss any of the above steps?

4 days later

@[deleted]Thanks for your comments. I managed to fix the issue by setting up cron.php in windows task scheduler. system is fetching emails as per desired now.Thanks. ;)

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