- Edited
Right now the behavior seems to be that only the original requester can reply to a ticket via email to have it attached to the ticket. I'd like for anyone to be able to e-mail the ticket and the reply be attached. Is this possible, currently?
Right now the behavior seems to be that only the original requester can reply to a ticket via email to have it attached to the ticket. I'd like for anyone to be able to e-mail the ticket and the reply be attached. Is this possible, currently?
Anyone know if this is possible?
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I am running on Bluehost - ISpecs:
osTicket Versionv1.8.0.1Server SoftwareApachePHP Version5.4.22MySQL Version5.5.35PHP ExtensionsgdlibUsed for image manipulation and PDF printingimapUsed for email fetchingxmlUsed for HTML email processing and XML APIjsonImproves performance creating and processing JSONgettextImproves performance for non US-English configurationsmbstringHighly recommended for non western european language contentDatabase UsageDatabase Space Used0.23 MiBDatabase Space for Attachments0.01 MiBSo how does one make this work?Has to be a MOD or way??
osTicket 1.7.0phpMail functionIMAPphp 5.3.3 on centos 6.4
jdgchc, please upgrade. I believe that 1.7.2 saw a huge change in the way tickets are handled via email. You should probably upgrade to the current version which is with 1.7.2 its my understanding that tickets now use the emails internal message-id setting which is described in the email RFC. If your client preserves this id like it should anyone replying to an email generated by the system should update the existing ticket. (note that this will probably only work on new tickets opened in the 1.7.2 or greater version of osTicket.)
interesting, thanks for the info. considering an upgrade to 1.8.0+