Hi,I just installed osTicket in a breeze. No problems there.But now I need to set it up. There must be some kind of admin panel I presume, because in the Wiki I found:"Post-Install Setup Guide

Once osTicket has been installed you need to further configure it via admin panel before it is fully usable. Only staff with admin's privileges can access the admin panel. Please use the username and password created during the install process."

Yep, but how and where to find the admin panel?

<your domain>/upload(or the name if you have changed the folder name)/scpscp is Staff Control Panelas example: if you have installed osticket without changing the "upload" folder name at example.com thenexample.com/upload/scp

You are the only person that can really answer where your installation is.You can figure this out by looking at your webserver configuration and local paths.Generally If the files were uploaded to the server in /<yourdomainname>/osticket then you would access the sie by going to http://yourdoainname/osticket  and the admin panel at:http://yourdoainname/osticket/scpThe exception to this of course would be if you setup a hostname for your ticket system and it was something like osticket.<yuordomain>

5 days later

Thanks! I was looking for the '/scp'. Maybe it's an idea to add"Generally If the files were uploaded to the server in /<yourdomainname>/osticket then you would access the sie by going to http://yourdoainname/osticket ; and the admin panel at:http://yourdoainname/osticket/scp"to the help files?

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