I just upgraded from v1.7.3 to v1.8 stable successfully.Unfortunately, the Ticket Filter that I defined in order to ban the certain domain doesn't work anymore. This feature worked properly in v1.7.3.Here is how to reproduce:1. Go to: "Admin Panel" -> "Manage" -> "Ticket Filter" -> "Add New Filter"2. In the "Filter Name:" directive, enter the name, for example: "Ban Domain somethingdomain.com"3. In the "Execution Order:" directive, enter "1"4. In the "Filter Status:" directive, select "Active".5. In the "Target:" directive, select "Web Forms".6. In the "Filter Rules:" choose: "Match Any"7. In the "Rules Matching Criteria:" row, select: "Emails" -> "Contains" -> "somethingdomain.com"8. In the "Reject Ticket:" directive, choose "Reject Ticket (All other actions and filters are ignored)"9. Click on "Save Changes" button.10 Go to Client side, create a new ticket using "testemail@somethingdomain.com", submit it, and the ticket is created. In v1.7.3, the ticket would not be created. In other words, the Ticket Filter for banning the certain domain is working properly in v1.7.3, but not in v1.8.Thoughts?