
We are running 1.7.3.

I have recently discovered that it is possible to update tickets by sending an email to the system address and including in the subject line.

The problem is that the update has to come from the email address that is connected to the ticket.

Is it possible to set the system up so that ANY email (regardless of sender) that has a valid in the subject, will update a given ticket?

Also is it possible to remove the so that an email with just # will update a ticket?


21 days later

I also have a similar situation and am looking for an answer. Could somebody guide us please ?

Starting with osTicket v1.7.3, the ticket number is no longer required on the subject like.

However, for replies to be threaded (regardless of the replier's email address) the response's header must include the original message/reference IDs. It should work out of the box, since most email clients include the references.

Now I am confused?? Here's the scenario.The client emails me inistead of the ticketing system.I create an issue by forwarding the clients email to the correct addressl.  It has my email address on it so I manually change the email address on the ticket.I now want to be able to append to that ticket by either editing the ticket on line or by emailing the ticketing address with updates that come from other companies.  I will add the ticket number to the subject line if it is not there.Currently what happens is that a new ticket is created, which os not what I want.  I guess this is because the reference id's are missing.  is thare any way I can insert them?  Or do I need to find an existing email in that chain?Thanks

My understanding is that they should already be including the original message/reference id's.  If they are not then your mail client is not complying to the email RFC standards.  What email client(s) are you using?

a year later

A mixture of Outlook and Gmail (an ocaisionally Outlook.com)

This topic was last updated almost a year ago. So when you're still at 1.7.3, you should definitely upgrade to the latest version. And don't forget to make a backup ;)

11 months to reply to a thread?  Wow that must be some new record here.

a month later

Sorry guy's Alas the work that I use osTicket for sometimes gets in the way.  I am on 1.9.4 now, and trawling through the forums I see that other people are having the same issues.Incidentally, inline search seems to not be working.

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