- Edited
1. AD (Active Directory) pass-through authentication
- This has already been documented: (Here) & (here) & (here)
Ideally this would be a toggle on/off option from the admin panel where one could add the AD info needed to make the connection for authentication. A second toggle ideally would be added for a forced login or AD pass-through authentication. Last but not least would be Profile field mapping so that AD would auto-synch data for that profile record.
Additional items/benefits could be:
- Pre-fill-out a host of information in OS Ticket from AD
- an additional toggle which would be fantastic would be displaying a list of open tickets to check the status of rather than relying on the user to memorize what open issues/ tickets they have open and typing their email & ticket #
2. Utilizing existing Asset management tools to integrate with their clients. This would enable assets within an organization to be linked to people. This would also enable people to report an issue with a particular asset rather then just a generic "My laptop is broken". Adding the reports mod with a few tweaks would then allow for detailed reports co-relating issue tickets, by person by device or just by device. This could significantly assist with procurement decisions within an organization.
3. Notification block on the main screen. The concept would be to have an edit option either in admin or Support staff screen which would allow for a notice to be posted on the MAIN screen of OS ticket. This would allow for a reduction is requests as well as allow for a more proactive approach for helpdesk's using the product. Ideally you'd also want the ability to have a person click a link beside the outage notification to indicate that they are having the same problem as well.
4. Linking tickets: This fits into the previous issue. There are some mods in the forums already where duplicate tickets can be merged. Instead I prefer the concept of ticket linking. This will allow for a better report of number of incidents reported by your users.