- Edited
Hi Guys,
We are looking at creating some new drop down menus on the ticket screen.
1 -> Company
2 - > Company Contact
What we are aiming to do is create some new fields within the MySQL Database
and on the 'Company' Drop-Down menu call on the contents of the column called 'Company'. When the company in question has been selected we would like the system to link direct to a company contact which will then be populated in the 'Company Contact' Drop-down.
Basically, Select Company. Company will then call on a list of Contacts to choose from in a seperate drop down menu. Which in turn would populate their email address from another field with MYSQL - Also the ability to add 'New Contact's would be great if someone new calls up.
The company we work for runs its backend system on MSSQL so creating a routine to port information out and into the backend of MYSQL is not a problem. We would just need some guidence of the coding side of things.
Currenty running version: 1.6.0
I look forward to hearing from some of you Guru's ^_^