
I think that it would be nice if we could have users directed to a specific url to open tickets for a specific department. As for now users can't distinct between departments and also get to see all the helptopics assossiated with all departments in one picklist. That's not clear and can show very unprofessional too.

E.G. Myorganisation.com wants to support their personel using osticket with 2 departments: the IT department that solves it-problems and the HR-department that solves problems with contracts, wages, sickness, vacations and so on. You can imagine that their picklists better don't get mixed up ;-)

This is how I would like to see it solved:

if you type www.myorganisation.com/helpdesk&option=itsupport(www.myorganisation.com/helpdesk&option=itsupport) you get to the 'open a new ticket-screen', but when opening a ticket your ticket will automatically be assigened to the ITsupportdepartment and you will only be able to choose items that are assossiated with IT.

if you type www.myorganisation.com/helpdesk&option=staff(www.myorganisation.com/helpdesk&option=staff) you get to the start screen, but when opening a ticket your ticket will be assigened to the the department that solves HR problems and you 'll get to see the picklist of the HR-department.

A different solution could be that users can choose the department when opening a ticket and then will onely able to choose from the specific department picklist of help-topics

I think by building in such a feature (which is'nt too difficult I think) the ticketing system would get a lot more flexible in use and would be more professional-looking

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