
I'm playing around adding multiple company support to osTicket.

So far I have this working quite well, using departments as 'companies' and having a login script wrap the client side access, so the clients have to log in.

Does OST support client log in itself ??



I've got this working quite well and it's seems to be integrated OK into OST..

With one exception. I've added a new menu item to DEPARTMENTS, Called ' Add Client', when I click on that the correct page opens and is formatted fine.

BUT !!

The Tabs show shown aren't what I'd expect... I thought it would show :




Help Topics


Departments - with this highlighted.

but it shows:


Knowledge Base


My Account

What have I missed ?

Thanks :)

ps.. pics to follow soon !

Whats working :

Admin Add Client -

create clients with first name, surname, username, password, email address, company ( select from a dropdown list )

Client Login -

client login, welcome message, pre fill new ticket form with full name and email, pre fill ticket status with email address, Client Log out. Change osticket logo based on the company client is a member of.

Log tickets -

I'm using departments as 'companies' when the client submits a ticket it is logged against the correct department / company.

To do :

Fix issue with ticket priority, I've hard coded this to normal for now. May look at changing it.

add edit clients

add forgotten password

update failed login screen ( it works, but look awful )

Lots of other stuff.

Documents etc !

Any comments ?

sound nice.

show us some screen!


My aim with this is to allow me to support multiple companies clients.

I'm using departments as companies, I will get around to changing the on-screen name from department to Company..

The client is registered against a specific company and all tickets they log are recorded against the relevant company.

Staff Managers can be created and they can only have access to their companies tickets. I can see all tickets.

Anyway.. Pictures and details :

Client Login


Forgotten Password is emailed to client


Client logged in - logo changes depending on the company they are assigned to

New ticket, ticket status etc is partially completed with Name & Email Address.


Another user assigned to different company, new logo :


More to follow in next post.....

Client New Ticket

Details partially completed


Client Ticket Status

Details partially completed


Admin logged in can see all tickets:

New link to clients in to Nav bar.


Admin - Add new client

Company list is populated from the departments.


More pics in next post...

Admin - List / Edit Clients

List and show all clients, options to edit, delete or reset password ( automatically emailed to client )


Admin - Add Company

Simple form that creates department, usergroup and new staff member assigning them to each other. Some details are preset ie: departments are private, users can transfer tickets between departments etc..


That's it for now :)

I have it working as seem above, but still have some more to do :


DONE - add edit clients

DONE - add forgotten password

DONE - update failed login screen ( it works, but look awful )

Clean up some of the code, bug test and Documents Documents Documents

Comments are welcome.

update :

edit clients - username is now a hyper link that shows all of that users posts.

This is now pretty much complete.

Added company logos for clients and staff.

Set so staff can't transfer to another company.

Set so staff can only assign ticket to admin. ( may look at changing this to admin and any other staff in the same company )

Changed department naming to Company, Companies etc ( lots of changes needed for this, it's purely cosmetic and not really needed )

Forgotten password and admin password reset uses ost admin email as from address.

All datebase settings read from ost-config.

Now for testing and then documents !

no comments ?? :

This looks very useful! I hope you'll share your code when it is stable.

Sorry to be slow in commenting. I haven't been checking the forums recently and just found your post.

I do use the department field as a company identifier, but have not implemented all the surrounding support that you have.

I looked briefly at making a similar mod myself, but taking the approach of adding a separate client field and supporting tables rather than co-opting the department field. While I don't have multiple departments in my consulting business, others might want to keep that capability. But I never got around to actually making extensive changes.

I like very much that you've added a client logon, a real password (or I hope it is one), and a lost password mechanism. This is one of the badly needed missing features in OST.

Do you support reports submitted by email, specifically with the pipe API? How do you handle client identification? What happens if you get an email from an email address not in the client database?


I looked briefly at making a similar mod myself, but taking the approach of adding a separate client field and supporting tables rather than co-opting the department field. While I don't have multiple departments in my consulting business, others might want to keep that capability. But I never got around to actually making extensive changes.

I like very much that you've added a client logon, a real password (or I hope it is one), and a lost password mechanism. This is one of the badly needed missing features in OST.

Do you support reports submitted by email, specifically with the pipe API? How do you handle client identification? What happens if you get an email from an email address not in the client database?

I'm thinking about changing it to use dedicated fields for companies and allow the departments to be used as is.. May come back to this.

The passwords are all stored MD5 hashed and any lost passwords are random 6 digits that are emailed to the client. Again this is stored ND5 hashed.

I haven't done anything with the email API, it's not something I've been using, so I've ignored it !! For a project I have coming up, I will probably come back to this when I look at adding dedicated company fields etc.

As yet a couple of little things need to be changed around, but it working as I'd hoped !!

Quick update.. I have this work fully, but I've decided to re do most of it to support companies and departments !

So far I have :


Logging in is working.

Once logged in, they have access to all of their tickets, open & closed.

They can submit new tickets and their name and email is already completed.

The logo changes depending on the company they are assigned to.


All normal Admin access.

Add Company

Edit Company

Add Clients

Edit Clients

Create Company, Client and staff user group.


All normal staff access ( except queries - TO BE DONE )

Shows only tickets logged to the company the staff is a member of.

Staff can create new tickets for their own company only

Staff can allocate the ticket to other staff in their company or admin.

The logo changes depending on the company they are assigned to.

Departments work as normal, this is now separate.

Lots of other bits...

I'm away for a few days, but once I'm back I'll sort out queries and look at getting a demo live.

- next sms / timed module...

Queries are now sorted.

Looks like that's it :) All Done

testing and docs -> then live demo !


All normal staff access ( except queries - TO BE DONE )

Shows only tickets logged to the company the staff is a member of.

Staff can create new tickets for their own company only

Staff can allocate the ticket to other staff in their company or admin.

The logo changes depending on the company they are assigned to.

Departments work as normal, this is now separate.

I'm a bit confused by relating staff to companies. In 1.6ST, staff are related to departments, the departments being divisions of the support services organization.

Users, aka ticket submitters, would be associated with companies, as I believe you have done. It might be appropriate for one or more users to be flagged as "company managers" and be allowed to see all tickets associated with the company.

I had assumed your model was one support organization supporting multiple companies. This division sounds more like one database supporting multiple companies each with their own support staff. Which is your intent?



My aim with this is to allow me to support multiple companies clients ( not the company but their clients ), but also to allow the companies themselves to monitor their own clients tickets.

quick eg:

3 companies use me to support their clients.

Those companies are:




( the above are made up !! )

Each of these companies has their own clients.

Their clients are created in OSTicket using the new 'add clients page' and they are assigned to the correct company.


John is added to the system as a new client and assigned to IBM.

John's name, email address and password are stored in the database.

When John logs a ticket it is automatically assigned to IBM.

If any of these client logs a ticket I can see it and see which company it has been logged for.

If IBM want to monitor or reply to their clients tickets, their staff member is added as staff in OSTicket and that staff user is given access only to the company IBM. (You can also select which departments they have access to.)

When the IBM staff member logs in he will see all of IBM's tickets and can reply to them as normal, he won't see any other tickets. ( he will see all IBM tickets regardless of which IBM client logged it )

There is no requirement for IBM to have a staff member monitor or reply to the tickets. I can do that for them.

When the individual clients log in, they can see any tickets logged against their login username.

When I login I can see all tickets and which companies they are assigned to.

Hopefully this make sense !! :)

Overall sounds fine.

Are you also a staff member? Is your record flagged as not restricted just to one company, or as a "super" staff member, or something?


I'm an admin, so I can see all post across all companies.

I'm open to suggestions and advice :)

8 days later

I've been having a re write, so I thought some new images might be a good idea ! :)

User Tom has logged in. The image shown is specific to the company he is a member of.


If Tom logs a new ticket some of his information is already completed.


Once he's logged in he has access to all his tickets.


Same applies for any user who logs in, but the image changes for there specific company. ( wouldn't take much to change the wording for each company )



When I log in I see an overview if all tickets and which company they are assigned to. Company names are colour coded for maintenance status:

RED = Expired, GREEN = Maintained, BLUE = PAYG.


Simple overview of our clients, which company they are assigned to. Easy to edit,delete or reset their password. Again the company name is color coded. A summary is shown for any company who support is due to expire in the next 60 days.


Overview of all companies, hovering over the maintenance field shows the date the contacts expired or expired. Hovering over the SMS Alerts field shows when SMS message will be sent.



All the above is a quick over view of what I've got working so far. I have a couple of little issues to overcome, but nothing major.

SMS alerts works well, texting my mobile when a new ticket is submitted.

I'm open to any comments and suggestions ! :)