- Edited
I am receiving http errors in my cpanel error log and would appreciate suggestions on how to eliminate them. It appears that osTicket is not completely happy about being installed in a subdomain.
I have installed a new copy of osTicket, using Fantastico, in the helpdesk subdirectory. I have made no mods to this test installation.
When I start scp and see the logon screen, I see "file does not exist" error messages referring to .../public_html/index.php. And indeed that file does not exist, the references should be to .../public_html/helpdesk/index.php.
For example, I see:
File does not exist: /home/...../public_html/index.php, referer: http://......com/helpdesk/scp/css/login.css
accompanied by some without a referrer.
When the staff panel displays, I see two of these, and more as I start working with tickets.
File does not exist: /home/...../public_html/index.php, referer: http://.......com/helpdesk/scp/css/main.css
I don't know whether these errors affect functionality or not.
So, where do I start looking?
Edit: I had installed it to domain.com/helpdesk and then started osTicket with http://......com/helpdesk/scp(http://......com/helpdesk/scp). If I instead defined a subdomain help.......com as pointing to ......com/helpdesk, and started it with http://help.......com/scp(http://help.......com/scp), the error messages no longer occur. I don't really understand why that fixes the problem, but it does. I'd be happy to be educated as to why that fixed the error messages, especially given that osTicket seemed functional either way.