I've been using osTicket for my organization and evaluated it when it was eTicket.

An EXCELLENT open source package. Few come close to this. One thing I think will push this effort over the edge is an easier way to install (and possibly deinstall) modifications.

I currently use SVN to track the changes I make but it is still cumbersome to maintain and track.

My $0.02.....

12 days later

I second this, we have about 10 mods and a fair few additional bug fixes in place in our installation, if/when we upgrade it will be a pain in the butt to move all across and also to ensure they will still work.

Upgrading could be a major problem for us because of it and potentially it could cost us more than time, e.g. additional staff hours

Rather then a patching system, I think that a module system (similar to Drupal's modules, or Wordpress's widgets) would be a fantastic addition. :)

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