One of my favorite features of Zendesk is the ability to reply to support tickets through email. This makes it very easy to use a smartphone to reply.

Does osTicket send tickets to support email address and allow support to reply through email which updates the ticket and the client?

this feature is the only reason I would pay zendesk $9/mo

You posted your question in the suggestion and feedback section. You might try posting it in the General Discussion section. Most of the people whom frequent the forums don't look in the feedback area as we generally concentrate on the technical forums.

The short answer is yes that is one of the ways the system is designed to work. You can rad more at:

You posted your question in the suggestion and feedback section. You might try posting it in the General Discussion section. Most of the people whom frequent the forums don't look in the feedback area as we generally concentrate on the technical forums.

The short answer is yes that is one of the ways the system is designed to work. You can rad more at:

it's ok, after not getting a response and reading how osTicket is no longer supported I subscribed to zendesk a few days ago :)

I wasn't aware that OST was no longer support. Where did you read this? Especially since there are a handful of people that are answering posts on the forums. :)

11 days later

I wasn't aware that OST was no longer support. Where did you read this? Especially since there are a handful of people that are answering posts on the forums. :)

it's in the Suggestions and Feedback forum

(Is OSTicket dead?)

User started the thread January 21, developer replies January 22nd with "version 1.7 will be out soon." and here we are May and still no version 1.7. Version 1.6 was released last February, over 15 months ago.

I'm sorry, if I was using OSticket for some personal blog or non-profit I guess I wouldn't care if it didn't work for a few days, but when there's customers paying money I need something that works all the time. It's worth the few bucks for zendesk to make sure I have someone to contact.

3 months later

I love OST.

It's open source it's our responsibility to support and enhanced it further.

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