- Edited
I made a modification to the /include/class.tickets.php file so that the staff_id does not get overwritten to 0 when a staff member closes out a ticket.
As a result, this allows us to see who actually worked on a ticket. However, as a result of this mod I have seen it cause one issue. The "My Tickets" count at the top is not updated. See, since we have an actual number in the staff_id it is counting even closed tickets as a part of the count. We would like it to just ONLY the open tickets for a particular user.
I edited /include/staff/tickets.inc.php and uncommented $status='Open'
case 'assigned':
//$status='Open'; //
For some reason, I must be missing something since the number hasn't changed and still includes the users' closed tickets as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.