- Edited
It would be nice to have a public knowledgebase/faq built in which you could refer users to.
It would be nice to have a public knowledgebase/faq built in which you could refer users to.
RE: Knowldegebase/FAQ
I agree, will this be possible ?
the knowledge base is already implemented. but for staff only, all it would take is a new link and page accessing that part of the database.
Just my two cents... I agree that this should be a feature, but I also think that only tickets that an admin user designates worthy should be visible to the public.
Of course, this almost goes without saying...
The knowledge base isn't populated with tickets...but canned replies, and therefore shouldn't compromise ones privacy.
I wouldn't mind seeing the knowledge base change from sets of premade replies, to an actual knowledge base where each article has the following:
article number - allowing us to reference a kb article
issue description - providing the support engineer and/or end user to ensure that they match
cause description - providing an explanation as to why its an issue
solution - how to go about fixing it...assuming there is a solution
tags - a field allowing for a comma delimited list of tags tha can be matched for searches. this way you can specify software names, versions, operating systems etc.
i do like the idea of a public kb tho...right now i'm simply going to incorporate mediawiki and point my users to articles within there. the osTicket KB system will remain dormant until there is a more pressing need for canned responses.
I also like the idea of knowledge base. If some person wants to enter a new ticket, first a list of likely answers pop up. If it still doesn't answer the question, a form is then presented for a new ticket.
As of right now, I think canned responses are very different from a knowledge base. And you may have canned responses that are not appropriate for a public knowledge base.
I vote for a public Knowledge Base too, it makes a help desk more mature/informative/efficient. Ajax based live possible answers or possible answers listed on next page when user submits his request, if the answer he is looking for is not listed, he/she can confirm submit.
I vote for a public Knowledge Base too, it makes a help desk more mature/informative/efficient. Ajax based live possible answers or possible answers listed on next page when user submits his request, if the answer he is looking for is not listed, he/she can confirm submit.
Absolutely. would save time and energy for everybody.
I'm new to this support software, and would love to see a knowledgebase integrated
I agree with adding a knowledge base for the users side.
The best impletementation would be for the system to check the users input for words that correspond to the available & active (enabled) KB topics.
Then, before being able to submit the ticket, these topics would be displayed so the user could "help themselves" and possibly avoid the wait for support.
This is a great way to answer common question and to reduce staff work load. :)
I'm brand new. Haven't had the install done half an hour and really disappointed there is no client knowledge base.
Most support systems I've seen have an area for all sorts of general information, including say links to How To videos, short related articles and such. More how to use the products involved than how to fix issues.
I would hardly expect a detailed keyword as you enter related knowledge base, in fact every one I've ever encountered did not get me where I wanted to go. (well, maybe MS does) In most cases just another hoop to to go through to get where you want to go - to a tech.
But, call it more training and coomin known issues/questions than a sophisticted drill down deal. KISS, but have something available.
It just seems to me when you go for support at many sites they have the above, as well as tickets. Other than the big guys, few have the test sensitive drill down stuff, but more or less a user's reference or library while also having a ticket system.
.Client Knowledgebase would be great, I'm banging my head trying to install one at the moment.
Then I need to tell my users on the OSTicket index page to read the KB first before posting a ticket.
And last, this means one new interface to log into and some extra copy/pasting when I want to create a canned reply and make it public into my knowledge base...
So count me in!!! I'd do it but I know peanuts in PHP.
Only if they set it up that way. And anyway, it's much faster than sending the same answer to 10, 100, 1000 people.
Surprised - FAQ Needed
Wow - I had to DIG around in here to find this. This *should* be a sticky....
You cannot *search* FAQ 'cuz it is not 4 characters long. !! :
Can't find it now, but I liked the short & sweet suggestion - take the
knowledgebase, put a public page out to access it, and voila! Solution!
Has anybody written any simple FAQ / Knowledgebase for public
viewing yet? I'll hack something up within the week if not.
As far as I'm aware, nobody has. I would have done it myself, but I have no programming skill
A lot of people would be extremely grateful if you did this!
Must have
I like this support ticket system. I really do. But missing the knowledge base option from the main page is a reason for me to look for another support ticket software. I like to use open source software, but I think adding this option to be available for the customers is not such a big deal for the programmers. I'm sure because of the big number or requests for this option, you will include it in the future versions of the oSTicket or in some upgrade very soon.
I vote for a public Knowledge Base too,
Like trellis has for example showing the KB on the front page - I love osticket but lacking the knowledge base for public viewing leads to a LOT of necessary user support questions.
I have about 60% of a kb written. I just need help with css and the layout. Once it is all done I will release it. Let me know if any css gurus would like to help with the css.
Any updates on a knowledgebase add-on?
Suggested Premade Response Mod - Done
Ive made this mod this morning which offers a KAYAKO style ordered premade response based on the text of the message.
It suggests premade responses in order (top 5 only) by searching the text of the message.
Download it here:
Nic Lowe