• Features Request
  • [Feature Request] Don't disconnect user while still entering ticket!!!

Recently I had a near disaster while entering a very long ticket for someone using osTicket. Fortunately, I made a 'copy' of my ticket before trying to post it. BUT when I went to post it said that I had to login again and wiped out my entire post! If I hadn't made a 'copy' of my ticket before trying to post it I would have been out of over 30-45 minutes of work.

So for the next release I sure would appreciate a correction to this time bomb.

-- Thanks, Roger :(

11 days later

Same here

Same issue here.

Are you using osticket in a load-balancing architecture ?


Have you tried just changing the settings for Client and Staff time outs?

We have staff set to 0 and clients set to 90 minutes and have not seen this issue.

jtaubman, thanks for the timeout suggestion. I went looking and changed the timeout to 300 minutes (5 hours) for both Client & Staff.

BUT I would have changed it to 0 for NO timeout if I knew the answer to the following issue. For example, if the Client timeout was set to 0 for unlimited time AND the client closes the browser, what happens? Is that session kept alive forever? Or does osTicket realize that the connection has been broken and then closes that session? Do you see my question?

-- Thanks, Roger

Closing the browser closes the session, regardless of timeout.


Thanks for the clarification.

-- Roger

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